Monday, February 4, 2013

Subdistrict this week for Seamount - SPSL basketball

This week, boys teams from the Seamount and South Puget Sound Leagues are playing a Subdistrict Tournament to determine seedings into next week's West   Central District tourney.

The Olympic League gets five teams into district, other seven will be Seamount or SPSL teams.

The Olympic League champion will get one of four first-round byes, the other four Olympic seeds face loser-out first-round games at either Foss or Lakes High School in Tacoma.

If Sequim and Olympic win out this week and finish deadlocked for first place, a tiebreaker will be played Monday at North Kitsap High School.

The tiebreaker winner would have a first-round district bye and play Friday night at Foss against the winner of a first-round game Wednesday between Olympic League #5 North Kitsap and the fourth seed from the Seamount-SPSL.

The tiebreaker game loser would have to regroup Wednesday for a loser out first-round game against the Seamount-SPSL #7 seed, a spot to be determined in a Saturday night subdistrict game.

The SPSL-Seamount team would come into the Wednesday contest with 3 
nights rest, while Olympic League #2 will have just one night to recover from the title game. 

Meantime, Clover Park and White River tied for the SPSL title, they broke the tie with a coin flip, the Warriors will be #1 into the subdistrict and the Hornets #2.

Boys Subdistrict matchups (Updated)


SPSL 4 (Steilacoom) vs. SPSL 2 (White River) at Foster High School 5:30 p.m.

SPSL 5 (Sumner) vs. Sea 1 (Renton) at Foster High School 7:30 p.m.

Sea 2 (Lindbergh) vs. SPSL 3 (Franklin Pierce) at Clover Park High School 5:30 p.m.

Sea 3 (Foster) vs. SPSL 1 (Clover Park) at Clover Park High School 7:30 p.m.

In a tie-breaker game Monday, Foster beat Evergreen 54-44 to determine the final Seamount team in the sub-district.

Renton, Clover Park and White River have all been ranked in the top 10 all season.  Renton lost Friday to Kennedy Catholic, its first loss in a 19-1 season.

Seven teams from the sub-district will advance to the West Central district tournament next week.

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